I’ve been reviewing websites about writing and blogging so
learn more. There is so much information
out there which is great; it’s just picking the right information to follow
that can be a little challenging. I hope
to learn a lot to make this blog worth people’s time so that they come back
wanting to read my posts and commenting on how to enjoyed them. I’m over 10,000
words and counting with my NaNoWriMo which is just awesome for me. I’m hoping to find an editor at some point. When
I’m done writing this month and get the story better organized I can have it
edited by someone who knows how to do that. I’m thinking about looking into UNL
writing students. I think this would be great for them because I’d put their
names on the book as the editor and it would give them some great experience.
We shall see how that goes when I get there. Still the cart before the horse;
though I’m getting my writing done so that’s a positive for me.
Go you!