I just read a cool poem for Nanowrimo, I shared it on my Facebook page. It all starts in less then three hours. Where will I be then? Sleeping of course, I do have a full time job you know. My writing buddy already told me that he has his outline all done and is going to get his 50,000 words done in 20 days instead of the normal 30. Over achiever! I'd be happy if I made it half way. Last year I think I got to around 10,000, which is awesome for me. I really want to work on my bridge story that has no name. I should pull out all my random notes I wrote out all last year and review the writing I did do on it. Maybe that would be a good refresher for me before starting my writing up again on it. Or just doing some flash fictions into my blog. I think that if I make the 50,000 word mark at the end of November, whether one full story or not, I will have accomplished something great for myself. It would mean I stuck with something and completed it. For me that's a big step. It seems this post is leaning me more towards doing Nano then just doing the daily blog thing. Well I might still do the daily blog thing to share frustrations throughout my journey. I guess we shall just see what I decide to do tomorrow. If I make something to concrete I may not do any of it. If I leave it to loose in the wind I wont care enough. Such a fine line I have to walk to get me to do something. You would think it would be easier to say, "I'm going to do this today," and do it.
TANGENT ALERT: I think that's why I like my job so much. I have to go and when I get there and start doing knowing that I will get things done. I really enjoy my job. It's one thing after another and I know I'm good at it. I'm sure with writing; if I were to just start doing it each day I'd be more dedicated because I'd see progress. I see progress in my work when I'm in my office and that's what keeps me going. Maybe it's the tangible things I need to keep in mind. I hate having stacks of papers on my desk. I'm always pushing for more things to be done on the computer but maybe with my writing I need to print things out so I can see that I'm accomplishing something. Who knows; maybe I'll try that. But then again ink is very expensive. EKK! All that writing to come up with a good idea to try and motivate myself and with little thought and sentence I dashed it away. I'm just good like that apparently.
Okay that's enough ranting for today. I've probably made close to a normal days word count for November. If only it was November so I could count these words!
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